Since 2017, MISUMI Group Inc. as a whole has declared "No Harassment" and ensured that all Group companies are thoroughly aware of it. It stipulates that employees are strictly prohibited from workplace harassment under the guise that harassment is unacceptable and will be subject to punishment. In addition, "Human Resources Compliance Training" (for managers and employees), including prevention of harassment, is periodically conducted for all employees. For more information regarding whistle-blowing system, including harassment, please refer to Whistle-blowing system.
(Training content)
(Training content)
Each year, the following training programs are offered globally.
Responsibilities of management leaders
Definition of harassment
The actual situation at MISUMI
Harassment precautions
Process when harassment occurs
Rules have been established for reporting cases within the Company.
Declaration of "No Harassment"
Declaration of "No Harassment"
MISUMI Group Inc. Representative Director and President Ryusei Ono
- 1.
Workplace harassment is a socially unacceptable act and behavior that hurts the dignity of workers, deprives the opportunity to perform to the best of their ability, and damages workplace morale as well as obstructs the conduct of company business, by which deteriorates social evaluation of the company.
- 2.
MISUMI Group commits to a positive work environment free from harassment. As described in our employee handbook, negative behavior regarding pregnancy, childbirth, childcare leave, etc. may cause or become background of harassment regarding pregnancy, childbirth, childcare leave, etc. Also, behaviors based on gender roles may be the cause and background of the occurrence of sexual harassment. Such inappropriate behavior of any kind is prohibited.
<Harassment related to Maternity and Family Care>
- (1)
Acts and behavior which inhibits employees from using company’s benefits and programs for pregnancy, birth of a child, and family care
- (2)
Unwelcome and offensive acts and behavior against employees who used company’s benefits and programs for pregnancy, birth of a child, and family care
- (3)
Unwelcome and offensive acts and behavior against employees who are pregnant or who has given a birth of a child
- (4)
Implying adverse impact on employment such as termination to employees who used company’s benefits and programs for pregnancy, birth of a child, and family care
- (5)
Implying adverse impact on employment such as termination to employees who are pregnant or who has given a birth of a child
<Sexual Harassment>
- (6)
Sexual jokes, questions and teasing
- (7)
Browsing, delivering and posting sexual pictures
- (8)
Sexual behavior which offends others
- (9)
Spreading sexual rumors
- (10)
Unnecessary physical contact
- (11)
Any sexual acts and behaviors which deteriorates employees’ motivation and deprives the opportunity to perform to the best of their ability
- (12)
Forcing dating and/or sexual relationship
- (13)
Imposing adverse impact on employment for those who refused to sexual favors
<Power Harassment>
- (14)
Acts and behavior which causes physical and psychological damages to employees and/or creates hostile work environment, by abusing power and authority of higher-level roles over subordinates beyond the scope of work
- (15)
Physical attack (assault)
- (16)
Phycological attack (threats, defamation, insult, verbal abuse)
- (17)
Separation from human relationships (isolation, exclusion, and disregard)
- (18)
Excessive demand (forcing work that is clearly unnecessary or impossible to perform, impeding work)
- (19)
Lack of work (assigning work that is not relevant and/or is far below ability and experience of the employee, not giving tasks)
- (20)
Invasion of privacy (excessive intrusion into personal affairs), etc.
- 3.
All individuals working at our companies, regardless of their employment status are covered by this policy.
Regarding harassment related to maternity and family care, supervisors and colleagues of employees with following condition can become the harasser; employees who are pregnant and who had a birth of a child, and employees who used the company’s benefits and programs for child care and family care.
Regarding sexual harassment, supervisors, colleagues, customers and supplier/business partners can become victims and the harasser, and not only acts against the opposite sex, but also acts against the same sex are included. Regardless of the victim’s sexual orientation or gender identity, sexual conduct can constitute sexual harassment.
Regarding power harassment, both sides can become victims and the harasser of supervisors and subordinates, seniors and juniors, and colleagues. Authority and power are derived not only from the higher-level roles in the company, but also from other superiority such as in human relationships, expertise, and experiences. we constantly reflect on our act and behavior to be considerate for others and to create positive work environment in which everyone can work with passion, energy, and enthusiasm.
- 4.
Disciplinary policy may apply against any incidents falls under employee handbook and appropriate action will be taken against any employee who violates this policy.
- (1)
Details of a case (Time, location (workplace or not), content, severity)
- (2)
Relationship between the involved parties (Positions, etc.)
- (3)
Request from the victim(s) (Accusation, etc.) and his/her request
- 5.
We have established Concern Resolution Hotline globally which can be reached by phone or email. Also, the hotline is open to any kind of inappropriate behavior actually being conducted which may become harassment, and/or any conduct which will possibly deteriorate work environment if any action not being taken, the company takes appropriate actions on the reported concerns.
Reported concerns are treated in fair manner, and privacies of the reporting person as well as the person being reported are treated confidential.
- 6.
We will not impose any adverse impact on employment for reporting and/or participating in an investigation of a claim of harassment or inappropriate conduct.
- 7.
We will promptly investigate any concern that is raised. If the allegation is confirmed, we will take immediate and appropriate measure against the accused while protecting the victim. The company also commits to taking actions to prevent recurrence of the harassment or inappropriate conduct.
- 8.
MISUMI Group has various benefits and programs for pregnancy, birth of a child and child and family care. For temporary staffs, those are provided by their agencies. We review the employee handbook or other provided materials to see what benefits and programs are available, and will discuss the work allocation as necessary upon the use of those benefits and programs.
- 9.
Harassment prevention training and seminars are held periodically. It is recommended to participate in those to obtain correct understanding of harassment and learn more about creating positive work environment.

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