MISUMI Group has formulated and implemented “Sustainable Procurement Guidelines.” We actively promote our key suppliers to agree on these Guidelines and conduct surveys on respect for human rights, promotion of occupational health and safety, and the status of their management systems. Furthermore, we are collaborating with our suppliers on environmental initiatives to enhance sustainable procurement practices by sharing the energy usage data and calculating to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions. We are actively seeking to expand this initiative.
We will continue to quantitatively identify risks and opportunities throughout the supply chain to formulate and implement effective measures to address them.
Procurement Policy
Procurement Policy
MISUMI Group provides customers around the world with "convenience in selection and purchasing" on our website and "time value" to reduce waste and person-hours in the industrial world through the "reliable quick delivery" of products. We are committed to continuously improving time value. We are constantly evolving our business model and working to strengthen our business foundation, including production, logistics, and IT, and building the human resources to support these efforts.
We will seek out and procure from suppliers in an open, fair, and impartial way, both domestically and internationally.
In selecting suppliers, we will make rational decisions based on a comprehensive evaluation of the time value of services provided, including quality, price, and delivery time, as well as organizational and technical capabilities for continuous improvement and compliance with laws and regulations, including environmental conservation, health and safety, and protection of human rights.
We emphasize good communication with our suppliers and will cooperate with them to improve sustainable procurement activities. We may ask for their cooperation in providing "time value" and for periodic or irregular reporting and audits as necessary. We may also request that our suppliers' supply chain confirm our procurement guidelines.
MISUMI's e-Commerce Site
We supply custom parts for automation devices and equipment, dies/molds, tools, consumables, and more, with same-day shipping at the earliest. Products from more than 3,000 domestic and international third-party brands, including MISUMI, are offered.