In November 2022, the MISUMI Group revised the existing "Code of Conduct" and implemented a new "Corporate Code of Conduct" and "Employee Code of Conduct." The new Code of Conducts stipulates actions based on the "Aspiration," "Value Provided," and "Mission" that realize MISUMI's growth chain management, and actions based on global social demands such as the principles of the United Nations Global Compact. In addition, among them, the actions that should be taken as a company are summarized in the "Corporate Code of Conduct," and the actions that each officer and employee should take are summarized in the "Employee Code of Conduct."
We will create a handbook and conduct education and training in order to spread this within the company.
MISUMI Group's Corporate Code of Conduct
MISUMI Group's Corporate Code of Conduct
Code of Conduct based on MISUMI's Aspiration, Value Proposition, Mission, and Aspired Management Style (MISUMI Values)
Code of Conduct based on MISUMI's Aspiration, Value Proposition, Mission, and Aspired Management Style (MISUMI Values)
<MISUMI's Aspiration>
<MISUMI's Aspiration>
MISUMI Group' aspires to contribute to the sustainable development of society by resolving "time constraints" for our customers, the Industrial Automation (IA) industry. We will support the development of the IA industry and lead to the sustainable development of society by resolving various inefficiencies scattered throughout the IA industry from the "time" perspective. At the same time, we will fulfill our responsibilities as a member of society by responding appropriately to various imperatives expected of us by the international community.
<MISUMI's Value Proposition>
<MISUMI's Value Proposition>
MISUMI Group is committed to continually improving customers' time value by ensuring Reliable, Quick Delivery and "reduction of customer's wasteful work and tasks." To this end, all MISUMI Officers and employees are committed to always putting the provision of the customers' time value first, striving for professional growth through this process.
MISUMI Group recognizes that its employees are the most significant stakeholders in providing customers with a superior "time value." Therefore, we will create an environment where employees can maximize "customers' time value."
<MISUMI's Mission>
<MISUMI's Mission>
MISUMI Group has grown by providing customers with value created through its unique (Business) Model. By innovating the MISUMI MODEL, we can offer products, prices, delivery times, and previously unavailable services, thereby increasing our customers' time value. For MISUMI Group, constant innovation of the MISUMI MODEL, our lifeline, is our "mission" and the starting point for setting the Growth Chain-reaction in motion.
<Means of Mission Accomplishment>
<Means of Mission Accomplishment>
MISUMI Group will constantly develop and advance its "time-based strategy," the original strategy.
We focus on all kinds of waste latent in the IA industry's entire supply chain and comprehensive business processes (customers, MISUMI, and suppliers), striving to advance the MISUMI MODEL from the "time" perspective.
To accelerate these activities, MISUMI strongly encourages and respects all employees that take on the "next challenge."
The "next challenge" will lead to an increase in customers' time value and social contribution thereof, which in turn will become the "source of vitality" for individuals in a sustainable cycle (Growth Chain-reaction) that in turn leads to one's "Subsequent growth" as professionals.
To achieve this, all MISUMI Group employees will continue to ask, "What to do next?" and change into an organization constantly moving toward MODEL innovation at the fastest pace possible.
<Aspired Management Style>
<Aspired Management Style>
MISUMI Group aims to achieve a Growth Chain-reaction, starting with the challenge of employees.
We believe that the following three perspectives are essential to improving the value of our customers' time, and we will always be intensely aware of them.
⑴ Growth potential: Aiming for high developmental Growth in which one measure attracts the subsequent Growth.
⑵ Strategicness: Highly strategy oriented with "time" at the core.
⑶ Proactiveness: Self-motivated employees willing to take on new challenges.
Guiding Principles Based on Global Social Imperatives
Guiding Principles Based on Global Social Imperatives
MISUMI Group must act not only by its aspirations, value proposition, mission, means of mission accomplishment, and aspired management style; but also in response to various social imperatives as a global company.
From the perspective of responding to social imperatives, we have established a Code of Conduct for our relationships with external stakeholders and our internal operations.
Conduct with External Stakeholders
Conduct with External Stakeholders
<Relationship with Customers>
<Relationship with Customers>
- 1.
MISUMI Group will continue to provide superior "time value" to eliminate inefficiencies in the IA industry from the "time" perspective.
- 2.
MISUMI Group will not engage in bid-rigging, cartels, or any other acts that violate each country's competition laws and regulations and will always engage in fair trade.
<Relationship with Suppliers>
<Relationship with Suppliers>
- 3.
MISUMI Group is committed to open, fair, and equitable procurement activities, domestically and internationally.
- 4.
MISUMI Group places great importance on transactions with partners that resonate with "time value." Therefore, in selecting suppliers, we make rational decisions based on a comprehensive evaluation of the time value of services provided, including quality, price, and delivery time, as well as organizational and technical capabilities for continuous improvement, legal compliance, environmental conservation, health and safety, and protection of human rights.
<Relationships with Shareholders and Investors>
<Relationships with Shareholders and Investors>
- 5.
MISUMI Group will fulfill its accountability by disclosing appropriate corporate information on time and meeting shareholders' expectations through increased corporate value.
<Relationships with Local Communities, etc.>
<Relationships with Local Communities, etc.>
- 6.
MISUMI Group will accelerate the transition from the conventional mass-production, mass-consumption, and mass-disposal economy to a recycling-oriented economy by fundamentally eliminating all kinds of "waste" latent in the entire process of IA industries, including its customers and suppliers. In addition, we will work on climate change countermeasures such as global warming prevention through our business activities, manage and implement environmental measures for the entire supply chain, including suppliers, and promote ecological management, including product quality and safety.
- 7.
MISUMI Group will strive to harmonize its business with local communities, respecting local culture, customs, and history.
<Relationships with Government and Administrative Agencies>
<Relationships with Government and Administrative Agencies>
- 8.
MISUMI Group will comply with all applicable domestic and foreign laws and regulations. It will not seek favors from any government or administrative agency contrary to applicable law.
Conduct within the Company
Conduct within the Company
<Human Rights and the Work Environment>
<Human Rights and the Work Environment>
- 9.
MISUMI Group respects the human rights of all employees and is committed to realizing and developing a safe and comfortable working environment. To achieve this, we will comply with international norms such as the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, ILO Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, and applicable domestic and international laws and regulations. Furthermore, MISUMI Group will respect the rights of employees and will not engage in child labor or forced labor.
- 10.
MISUMI Group will recruit, train, promote, and treat human resources to ensure fairness and equal opportunity regarding background, skills, gender, and nationality.
<Intellectual Property Rights>
<Intellectual Property Rights>
- 11.
MISUMI Group will respect intellectual property rights such as patents, trademarks, and copyrights, protects its rights, and not infringe on others' rights.
<Accounting and Taxation>
<Accounting and Taxation>
- 12.
MISUMI Group will follow accounting, tax, and financial processing procedures promptly and appropriately under accounting standards, relevant laws and regulations, and internal rules.
<Conduct of Business>
<Conduct of Business>
- 13.
MISUMI Group provides company assets, information, and data necessary for employees to perform their duties.
- 14.
MISUMI Group is committed to maintaining and enhancing information security to manage and preserve information appropriately and to prevent information leaks and data destruction.
- 15.
MISUMI Group will operate the whistleblower system appropriately and guarantee the protection of whistleblowers and users.
MISUMI Group’s Employee Code of Conduct
MISUMI Group’s Employee Code of Conduct
MISUMI Group’s Corporate Code of Conduct and the Employee Code of Conduct
MISUMI Group’s Corporate Code of Conduct and the Employee Code of Conduct
MISUMI Group aspires to contribute to the sustainable development of society by resolving “time constraints” for our customers, the Industrial Automation (IA) industry.
It is MISUMI Group’s “mission” to innovate the MISUMI MODEL constantly, which provides customers' time value.
MISUMI Group has formulated its Code of Conduct to ensure that we all have a strong sense of aspiration and mission, working together to enhance our customers’ time value. At the same time, we contribute to the development of society as a globally respected corporate citizen, considering the various social imperatives.
MISUMI Group’s Employee Code of Conduct is a concrete set of actions that every one of us should take in addition to the MISUMI Group’s Corporate Code of Conduct.
MISUMI Group expects all Officers and employees to understand the Code of Conducts and to take actions described in the Employee Code of Conduct to fulfill MISUMI's mission and to develop the MISUMI Group as a company trusted by society.
Code of Conduct based on MISUMI’s Aspiration, Value Proposition, Mission, and Aspired Management Style (MISUMI Values)
Code of Conduct based on MISUMI’s Aspiration, Value Proposition, Mission, and Aspired Management Style (MISUMI Values)
MISUMI Group’s Corporate Code of Conduct(Summary)
MISUMI Group’s Corporate Code of Conduct(Summary)
MISUMI Group’s mission is to innovate the MISUMI MODEL constantly.
To this end, the MISUMI Group will unceasingly develop and advance its “time-based strategy,” the original strategy.
MISUMI Group recognizes that its employees are the greatest stakeholders in providing customers with superior “time value,” We will create an environment that maximizes employees’ abilities to enhance customers’ time value.
In this environment, we strongly encourage and expect all employees to take on the “next challenge.”
Through these efforts, the MISUMI Group aims to achieve the Growth Chain-reaction that starts with employee challenges.
Employee Code of Conduct
Employee Code of Conduct
- ・
Our "Mission"
We firmly recognize that the MISUMI MODEL results from the unrelenting efforts of all our employees; we are all charged with the mission to innovate it.
- ・
Actions that Place "Customers' Time Value" First
We place "contribution to the customers' time value," which consists of the two values of "Reliable and Quick Delivery" and "reduction of the customer's wasteful work and tasks," at the starting point of all our activities. Therefore, in our thinking and actions, we always prioritize the "customers' time value."
We are motivated by providing time value to our customers, and through the enhanced provision of "time value," we will also grow professionally.
- ・
"The Next Challenge"
We constantly pursue two "next challenges" to improve customers’ time value.
(1) "Challenges towards the next theme" to realize MISUMI MODEL innovation
(2) "Challenges towards the next role" to keep growing professionally
By constantly asking ourselves and those around us, “What should we do next?” and acting proactively and single-mindedly will become the starting point for creating a Growth Chain-reaction for our customers, society, MISUMI, and ourselves.
- ・
Commitment to Professional Growth
We will continue to challenge ourselves to mature by learning, thinking, and experimenting on our own.
We will continue to learn the “art of justmizing time” and advance our time-based strategy to elevate customers’ time value.
Guiding Principles Based on Global Social Imperatives
Guiding Principles Based on Global Social Imperatives
MISUMI Group must act based not only on its aspiration, value proposition, mission, means of mission accomplishment, and aspired management style but also in response to various social imperatives.
From the perspective of responding to social imperatives, we have established a Code of Conduct for our relationships with external stakeholders and our internal operations.
Conduct with External Stakeholders
Conduct with External Stakeholders
■Relationship with Customers
■Relationship with Customers
MISUMI Group Corporate Code of Conduct
MISUMI Group Corporate Code of Conduct
MISUMI Group eliminates inefficiencies in the Industrial Automation industry from the “time" perspective by providing superior "time value."
MISUMI Group will not engage in bid-rigging, cartels, or other acts that violate each country’s competition laws and regulations and will always engage in fair trade.
Employee Code of Conduct
Employee Code of Conduct
- ・
Product Safety and Quality Control
We consider product safety at our products' planning and design stages and strive to build a system for appropriate quality control at the manufacturing stage.
- ・
Sincere Response to Customer Feedback
We respond to customer requests and consultations with sincerity. Furthermore, we promptly report customer feedback to the relevant departments within the company and use it in our subsequent business activities, such as improving products and services.
- ・
Protection of Customer Information
In accordance with relevant laws and regulations, we appropriately manage customer information to ensure that it is not provided to third parties without the customer’s consent.
- ・
Prohibition of Exaggeration and Misrepresentation and Provision of Appropriate Information
We will not make exaggerated expressions that may mislead customers nor false representations regarding product quality, materials, specifications, etc. We will always strive to provide appropriate and easy-to-understand information regarding our products and services.
- ・
Prohibition of Unfair Dealing
We will not engage in transactions that may impede fair competition, such as unreasonable refusals to deal or unreasonable bargain sales of products.
- ・
Prohibition of Collusion and Other Illegal Arrangements
We will not engage in non-essential contact with other competitors in our industry. When communication is necessary, we will not discuss prices of products and services or additional competitive information, bid rigging, cartels, or other acts that violate each country's anti-monopoly or competition laws and regulations.
- ・
Prohibition of Excessive Entertainment and Gift-giving
We will not provide excessive entertainment or gifts to customers or other parties beyond what is permitted by law or socially accepted norms.
■Relationship with Suppliers
■Relationship with Suppliers
MISUMI Group Corporate Code of Conduct
MISUMI Group Corporate Code of Conduct
MISUMI Group is committed to open, fair, and equitable procurement activities, domestically and internationally.
MISUMI Group places great importance on transactions with partners that resonate with "time value." Therefore, in selecting suppliers, we make rational decisions based on a comprehensive evaluation of the time value of services provided, including quality, price, and delivery time, as well as organizational and technical capabilities for continuous improvement, legal compliance, environmental conservation, health and safety, and protection of human rights.
Employee Code of Conduct
Employee Code of Conduct
- ・
Rational Selection of Suppliers
In selecting suppliers, we will make a comprehensive evaluation and rational decision based on the status of the following items, in addition to the time value of quality, price, and delivery service provided.- ・
Must resonate with the time value philosophy and have the desire and skills to realize time value improvement
- ・
Organizational and technical skills to engage in continuous improvement
- ・
Compliance with relevant laws and regulations
- ・
No money laundering, conflicts of interest, bribery, or other fraudulent or corrupt activities
- ・
No conflict minerals excavated under conditions of conflict or human rights abuses are used
- ・
No child labor, forced labor, or other human rights abuses
- ・
Fair Dealing
We will not take advantage of our position as a purchaser or consignor to unilaterally determine or change prices or other terms and conditions of transactions with suppliers or others or to impose unreasonable demands or obligations. Furthermore, we will comply with each country's laws and regulations and fair business practices concerning suppliers' transactions.
- ・
Appropriate Management of Confidential Information
We will adequately manage the information provided by suppliers based on non-disclosure agreements, etc. We will not use such information for purposes other than those of the relevant contracts.
- ・
Prohibition of the Improper Transfer of Money and Goods
We will not give or receive money or goods to receive an undue advantage in our relationships with suppliers or others. In addition, we will decline entertainment or gifts unless there is a reasonable reason based on common courtesy.
■Relationship with Shareholders and Investors
■Relationship with Shareholders and Investors
MISUMI Group Corporate Code of Conduct
MISUMI Group Corporate Code of Conduct
MISUMI Group will fulfill its accountability by disclosing appropriate corporate information on time and will meet shareholders' expectations through increased corporate value.
Employee Code of Conduct
Employee Code of Conduct
- ・
Timely and Appropriate Disclosure of Corporate Information
We will disclose relevant corporate details on time to customers, suppliers, and other stakeholders of MISUMI Group companies, shareholders, and investors and strive to develop into a trusted company.
- ・
Prohibition of Insider Trading
If we become aware of critical undisclosed facts about MISUMI Group companies, we will not trade shares of MISUMI Group Inc. until those facts are made public.
■Relationships with local communities, etc.
■Relationships with local communities, etc.
MISUMI Group Corporate Code of Conduct
MISUMI Group Corporate Code of Conduct
MISUMI Group will accelerate the transition from the conventional mass-production, mass-consumption, and mass-disposal economy to a recycling-oriented economy by fundamentally eliminating all kinds of "waste" latent in the entire process of IA industries, including its customers and suppliers. In addition, we will work on climate change countermeasures such as global warming prevention through our business activities, manage and implement environmental measures for the entire supply chain, including suppliers, and promote environmental management, including product quality and safety.
MISUMI Group will strive to harmonize its business with local communities, respecting local culture, customs, and history.
Employee Code of Conduct
Employee Code of Conduct
- ・
Consideration for the Local Environment
We strive to reduce the environmental impact of our products and services throughout their entire life cycle, from development, procurement, production, delivery, use, and disposal.
- ・
Compliance with Environmental Laws and Regulations
We will conduct our business under the laws and regulations of each country regarding environmental protection. However, in the unlikely event that a situation with a severe environmental impact occurs, we will strive to prevent it from spreading, investigate the cause without delay, prevent a recurrence, and disclose information appropriately inside and outside the company.
- ・
Business Development that Respects Local Culture, Customs, and History
We will correctly recognize each overseas country and region's culture, customs, and history and harmonize our business with each country and region. However, we will also be mindful of respecting local cultures, traditions, and past and actively engage in social contribution activities.
- ・
Severance of Relations with Antisocial Forces
We will avoid all relationships with antisocial forces based on the basic principles of "not paying," "not using," and "not being intimidated."
■Relationships with Government and Administrative Agencies
■Relationships with Government and Administrative Agencies
MISUMI Group Corporate Code of Conduct
MISUMI Group Corporate Code of Conduct
MISUMI Group will comply with all applicable domestic and foreign laws and regulations. It will not seek favors from any government or administrative agency contrary to applicable law.
Employee Code of Conduct
Employee Code of Conduct
- ・
Compliance with Laws and Regulations
We will comply with domestic and foreign laws and regulations applicable to our business activities. Furthermore, we will faithfully carry out procedures required by laws and regulations, such as notifications and reports.
- ・
Security Trade Control
We will comply with all applicable laws, regulations, and internal rules related to our products’ import, export, and sale, including trade security control.
- ・
Prohibition of Corrupt Practices
We will not engage in corrupt acts, such as the improper giving or receiving of money, favors (bribery), or excessive business entertainment that exceeds the bounds of laws and regulations or socially accepted norms, with domestic or foreign governments or administrative agencies.
Conduct within the Company
Conduct within the Company
■Human Rights and Workplace Environment
■Human Rights and Workplace Environment
MISUMI Group Corporate Code of Conduct
MISUMI Group Corporate Code of Conduct
MISUMI Group respects the human rights of all employees and is committed to realizing and developing a safe and comfortable working environment. To achieve this, we will comply with international norms such as the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, ILO Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, and applicable domestic and international laws and regulations. Furthermore, MISUMI Group will respect the rights of employees and will not engage in child labor or forced labor.
MISUMI Group will recruit, train, promote, and treat human resources to ensure fairness and equal opportunity in terms of background, skills, gender, and nationality.
Employee Code of Conduct
Employee Code of Conduct
- ・
Respect for Human Rights
We respect the fundamental human rights, individuality, and diversity of individuals. Therefore, we do not discriminate or harass anyone based on race, nationality, gender, religion, age, sexual orientation, disability, or any other characteristic protected by applicable law.
- ・
Realization of a Safe and Comfortable Work Environment
We will comply with all applicable safety and health-related laws, regulations, and company rules and strive to maintain a safe and comfortable work environment.
- ・
Prohibition of Harassment
We will never engage in harassment based on race, nationality, gender, religion, age, sexual orientation, disability, power, or any other characteristic protected by applicable law.
- ・
Prevention of Leakage of Personal Information
We will use employees' personal information obtained during business only for business purposes. We will manage such information so that it is not leaked to any third party without the consent of the individual concerned.
■Intellectual Property Rights
■Intellectual Property Rights
MISUMI Group Corporate Code of Conduct
MISUMI Group Corporate Code of Conduct
MISUMI Group respects intellectual property rights, protects its rights, and does not infringe on others’ rights.
Employee Code of Conduct
Employee Code of Conduct
- ・
Protection of Intellectual Property Rights and Appropriate Operation and Management
We will ensure those essential ideas created while performing our duties stay within the company before applying for patent protection, which we will apply for the appropriate time. Registered patents will be managed appropriately, ensuring they are not being used without permission by other companies. In addition, we will not use the company's intellectual property rights without the company's consent.
- ・
Prohibition of Infringement of Intellectual Property Rights of Others
We will research relevant patents and other intellectual property rights before launching new products or services on the market and will not infringe upon the intellectual property rights of others. In addition, we will use computer software and other copyrighted materials within the scope permitted by law or contract and will not illegally copy or download such materials.
■Accounting and Taxation
■Accounting and Taxation
MISUMI Group Corporate Code of Conduct
MISUMI Group Corporate Code of Conduct
MISUMI Group will follow accounting, tax, and financial processing procedures promptly and appropriately, following accounting standards, relevant laws and regulations, and internal rules.
Employee Code of Conduct
Employee Code of Conduct
- ・
Accurate and Fast Processing
We will follow accounting standards, relevant laws and regulations, and internal company rules to ensure proper accounting and tax treatment. In addition, we will accurately and promptly process payments and reimbursement of expenses.
- ・
Maintaining the Accuracy of Records
We will record and report our business activities promptly and appropriately and strive to maintain the records' accuracy. We will not falsify or make unauthorized deletions or additions to information of MISUMI Group companies.
- ・
Prohibition of Unlawful Disclosure of Financial Records, etc.
We will disclose financial records, etc., of MISUMI Group companies in a timely and appropriate manner under relevant laws and regulations and will not disclose false information.
■Business Execution
■Business Execution
MISUMI Group Corporate Code of Conduct
MISUMI Group Corporate Code of Conduct
MISUMI Group provides company assets, information, and data necessary for employees to perform their duties.
MISUMI Group is committed to maintaining and enhancing information security to manage and preserve information appropriately and to prevent information leaks and data destruction.
Employee Code of Conduct
Employee Code of Conduct
- ・
Faithful Execution of Duties
We will have a sense of responsibility as employees of the MISUMI Group and will faithfully perform our duties honestly to avoid betraying trust or expectations. We will not violate laws, company rules, or the Code of Conduct or abuse our authority.
- ・
Appropriate Use and Management of Company Assets
We will use and manage company assets, information, and data appropriately in our business activities to make effective use of them. However, we will not use the Company's assets, knowledge, and data loaned to us for non-business purposes. We will follow the internal rules of each MISUMI Group company and the instructions of our superiors concerning the use of Company assets, information, and data.
- ・
Prohibition of Conflicts of Interest
We do not engage in any trade or business that competes with the products or services of any MISUMI Group company for personal gain, the benefit of any third party, or otherwise.
- ・
Prohibition of Leakage of Personal and Confidential Information
We do not provide employees' personal information to third parties without the employee’s consent. Similarly, we do not provide confidential information about MISUMI Group companies to third parties without the Company's permission. Even after termination of employment, we will not use or provide to third parties any personal information we learned during work without the Company's consent.
■Whistleblower System, etc.
■Whistleblower System, etc.
MISUMI Group Corporate Code of Conduct
MISUMI Group Corporate Code of Conduct
MISUMI Group will operate the whistleblower system appropriately and guarantee the protection of whistleblowers and users.
Employee Code of Conduct
Employee Code of Conduct
- ・
Reporting of Violations of the Guidelines for Employee Behavior
We will report any violations or suspected violations of this Code of Conduct promptly and appropriately to our Officers and superiors.
- ・
Disciplinary Action for Violations of the Code of Conduct
We recognize that any violation of this Code of Conduct is a material breach of the employment policies and is subject to disciplinary action.
- ・
Protection of Whistleblowers
We will not mistreat or retaliate against any whistleblower for making a report. Further, we will not mistreat or retaliate against anyone who cooperates in investigating a violation or suspected violation.

MISUMI's e-Commerce Site
We supply custom parts for automation devices and equipment, dies/molds, tools, consumables, and more, with same-day shipping at the earliest. Products from more than 3,000 domestic and international third-party brands, including MISUMI, are offered.