meviy, an AI-based parts procurement platform, offers

“Expedite+ Shipping” for CNC Turning

"Minimum 1-day shipping" realizes rapid procurement for CNC milling, sheet metal,
and now CNC turning.

meviy, an AI-based parts procurement platform powered by MISUMI Group Inc. (“MISUMI”; headquartered in Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan; Representative Director and President: Ryusei Ono) is now offering  “Expedite+ Shipping service" option for CNC turning. The new service offers an industry-leading minimum 1-day shipping as standard, a significant reduction from the previous minimum 3-day shipping.
MISUMI will continue to provide time value to our global customers in the IA (Industrial Automation) industry through expanding our services and contribute to enhancing their productivity.



To cater to different needs, meviy offers services that allow customers to choose shipping days. 
Our “Economy Shipping”*1 option, which has been a popular choice since its launch, is designed for customers who schedule orders for delivery well in advance and procure parts with the highest priority on price. By selecting this option, customers can receive a 30% discount on the price with no change in quality. Conversely, there have been many requests for "procurement with the highest priority on delivery time" to avoid the lost opportunities caused by delays in assembly schedules or equipment shutdowns due to sudden design changes or machine breakdowns. In response to these requests, minimum 1-day shipping has already been offered for certain services, such as Sheet metal*2 and CNC milling*3.
With our recent expansion of manufacturing capabilities, CNC turned parts can now be procured with minimum 1-day "Expedite+ Shipping", making them available in a variety of situations.

*1 Press release in Japanese dated 4 July 2022, “Economy Shipping option now available for FA parts”.

*2 Press release in Japanese dated 2 August 2019, “Major reduction: Minimum 1-day shipping for Sheet Metal”.

*3 Press release in Japanese dated 25 July 2022, “Minimum 1-day shipping now available for CNC Milling”.

Service Release Overview

Service Release Overview

Release date

: January 14, 2025

Newly added service

: Expedite+ Shipping for CNC Turning

Eligible materials

: Iron, steel, aluminum, SUS, and resin

Eligible surface treatment

: Electroless nickel, black oxide, white anodize, and black anodize, etc.

Eligible heat treatment

: Immersion quenching, vacuum quenching, and induction hardening

Shipping days

: Minimum 1-day shipping

To learn more about this service, please see the following.
▼    meviy Service Information in Japanese
▼    meviy Technical Information in Japanese   
Technical Info> CNC Turning> Eligible Products> Shipping Days

▼ Shipping days examples

▼ Shipping days examples

About meviy

About meviy

With meviy, customers simply upload a 3D CAD model of a mechanical component, the AI automatically provides an instant quote, and our digital manufacturing system enables an order to be shipped in as little as one day. 
meviy is a platform that eliminates perceived inefficiencies in parts procurement by reducing the time customers traditionally spend procuring mechanical components by more than 90%. 
meviy received the Prime Minister's Prize at the Ninth Monodzukuri Nippon Grand Awards, achieved the No. 1* market share in Japan for three consecutive years, and is highly regarded for its contributions to improving productivity in the manufacturing industry. For our global customers, the range of services on each meviy website is expanding. meviy delivers "time value" to customers worldwide through digital transformation in component procurement. 

Users of online machine parts procurement services in Japan in 2023, according to Techno Systems Research Co., Ltd.



MISUMI sells mechanical components required on-site for factory automation, as well as tools, consumables, and other products to more than 318,000 companies (as of March 2024) worldwide. We wear two hats: a manufacturer with manufacturing functions and a distributor of other company’s branded products. 
With this unique business model, supported by a solid business foundation, MISUMI achieves "globally reliable on-time delivery" for greater customer convenience. 

【For inquiries regarding this press release】
Please contact Y. Matsubara or K. Koniwa 
Tel: 03-6777-7502 
Corporate Relations Department 
MISUMI Group Inc.

MISUMI's e-Commerce Site

We supply custom parts for automation devices and equipment, dies/molds, tools, consumables, and more, with same-day shipping at the earliest. Products from more than 3,000 domestic and international third-party brands, including MISUMI, are offered.

MISUMI's Digital Machine Parts Procurement Service

Instant quote via 3D data upload, with the fastest delivery in as little as one day

Software that allows you to design enclosures with the feel of a drawing

Data library for FA designers